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Sex Trafficking of Youth in the United States
Child sex trafficking is a rising problem in the United States, and estimates place the number of current victims in the hundreds of thousands.
Indigenous Population Displacement in Indonesia
For indigenous peoples in Indonesia, land displacement results in lower rates of employment and income among indigenous peoples
Illegal Wildlife Trade in China
China’s demand for trafficked wildlife products is driven by a desire for wildlife in traditional medicine and as status symbols and investments.
Challenges for People with Disabilities
People with disabilities in the United States continue to experience challenges of accessibility in many aspects of their lives.
Intimate Partner Violence against Women in Uganda
Intimate partner violence is a major problem throughout the world but particularly in sub-Saharan African countries such as Uganda.
Racial Inequality in Public School Discipline for Black Students in the United States
Black students tend to experience harsher disciplinary measures at higher rates than their peers in public schools in the United States.
Disenfranchisement and Suppression of Black Voters in the United States
Modern Black disenfranchisement is part of a history of racial division and suppression in the US stretching back to before the Revolutionary War.
Inadequate Resettlement of Refugees in the Southern European Union
Over one million refugees have flooded into Europe since 2015, creating the need for their resettlement.
Low Immunization Rates in the United States
The 2020 Covid-19 pandemic illuminated the issue of vaccine hesitancy worldwide, and has again brought scrutiny of vaccinations to the forefront of public thought.
Discrimination against Muslims in the United States
It is important for Americans to understand that most Muslims do not approve of extremist groups that commit atrocious acts in the name of Islam.
Inadequate Support Systems for Children of Separated Parents in Utah
Inefficiencies in systems for families and children experiencing parental separation play an integral part of larger social issues, including poverty, mental illness, and educational disparities.
Maternal Mortality among Black Women in the United States
The US maternal mortality rate is higher than other wealthy countries because of the disproportionately high maternal death rate of Black women in the US.
Intergenerational Poverty in the United States
Since 1930, redlining has contributed to the creation of modern poverty, and 1970s gentrification attempts spread high-density poverty from big cities to suburban and rural areas.
Public Confederate Markers in the United States
Over 1,800 public Confederate markers remain in the United States, including 736 physical monuments.
Educational Disparities Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Youth in the United States
The United States’ history of racial segregation continues to play a key role in educational disparities experienced among minority students.
Abuse and Neglect against Elderly Adults in Nursing Homes in the United States
The number of elderly adults in the United States is expected to significantly increase, requiring more elderly adults to receive consistent care from family or from care facilities. The number of elderly adults with cognitive disabilities is also projected to increase.
Mistreatment of Wild Animals in Captivity
There are certain conditions within captivity, such as small enclosures and being forced to perform in shows, that can severely exacerbate the mistreatment that captive animals face.
Migrant Smuggling Across the Mediterranean Sea
As of September 21, 2020, 50,170 people have arrived in Europe via the Mediterranean.
Exposure to Toxic Chemicals in Consumer Products in the United States
Many Americans are frequently and unknowingly exposed to toxic chemicals that have been shown to cause various health issues.
Struggle for Hawaiian Cultural Survival
After annexation, Hawaiian cultural practices declined in observance due to Western rule and influence over their land.